Group 3 Semester Project

Task #1


These are the two given points.


First we find the slope of the two lines.


Next we put it in Point Slope Form.


Next we put it in Slope Intercept Form.


Finally we put Standard Form. 


Task #2



Our inequality is 880,000 > 1000x + 3000y.

This is because we have  only $880,000 and can not spend more than we have.

1000x shows that it costs $1000 per acre of cotton and 3000y shows that it costs $3000 per acre of pistachios.

Acres= About 440



Task #3





Nitrogen/Fertilizer Equation


149,600 > 300x+400y


Explanation: Since all they will give us in fertilizer is 340 units per acre, and we have 440 acres total, we have to multiply the two numbers together to know the amount of fertilizer they will give us altogether. Also, since we need to know how much we actually need, we need to multiply how much units of fertilizer we need for each plant by how many acres there are, in this case x for cotton and y for pistachios. We then add the the two products together and compare them to the total amount of fertilizer they will give us. To figure out which way the inequality sign pointed ( greater than or equal to, less than or equal to ) we just need to plug in the number of acres we are farming for cotton into x and for pistachios into y.



Water Equation


748 > 2x+y


Explanation: We basically did the same exact thing to get this equation, we figured out how much the water company would give us multiplied by how much acres we have. Then we multiply how much cotton acres (x) by how much water cotton needs and added it to how much acres of pistachios we have (y) by how much water they need. We then compared how much water the water company will give us to how much we need. To figure out which way the inequality sign pointed ( greater than , less than ) we just need to plug in the number of acres we are farming for cotton into x and for pistachios into y.



Task #4 

0 < y < 264                                                                                             

0 < x < 352

Explanation: We get these two inequalities because y(pistachios) cannot exceed 60% of the land, and x(cotton) cannot exceed 80% of the land.


Task #5

500x + 1000y = p


Explanation: We get 500x because we lose $1000 everytime we plant an acre of cotton, and gain $1500 everytime we sell an acre of cotton, so we subtract the amount of money we gain to the amount of money cost to plant it.  We get 1000y because we also lose $3000 for every acre of pistachios. We also gain $4000 for every acre of pistachios we sell. So again, we subtract the money we obtain to the money it cost to plant to get our pistachio profit. To get the profit we want, we find the amount of 500x + 1000y.



 Task #6


The point that gives us the maximum profit is point B (190, 230).

We know this because if you substitute the x and y intercepts into the equation we end up with more money than the other points give us. The other points give us less than what we obtain. The amount of money we obtain by using 190 acres of cotton and 230 acres of pistachios is $325,000. The other good thing about using these acres is that it is legal to use these two amounts.


Task #7



In this problem, we are going to have to make a graph to organize and find the equation.

.54x .54 x
.12(159.6-x) .12 159.6 - x
57.5 .36 159.6

This is all of our information that we were given inside the graph.


Next we have to find the equation. To do this, we have to add up the two first rows on the left side of the graph and have it equal the last row on the left side of the graph. It will look like this.


.54x + .12(159.6 - x) = 57.5


This is how we would solve the equation:


.54x + 19.2 - .12x = 57.5

We distribute the .12 into (159.6 - x)

and we get about 19.2 - .12x.            

.54x - .12x + 19.2 = 57.5

We us the communative property to

get the common terms by each other.

.42x + 19.2 = 57.5

We subtracted the numbers .54x and

.12x to simplify the equation.             

.42x = 38.3

We subtracted 19.2 from each side to

isolate the variable x.                           

x = 91

We divided .42 from each side to        

completely isolate the variable x we  

get about 91 for x.                                  


Now to find how much of each percentage we use, we plug the x value into the first two left side equations.


54%: (91)

To find the 54%, we just substitute x for 91.

12%: 159.6 - (91)

       To find 12% we subtract the x value 91 from







Task #8 


In conclusion, we believe that 190 acres of cotton and 230 acres of pistachios is the best amount of acres per farm. These numbers are in all restrictions of fertilizer, water, glyphosate, laws, and money.  It will give us more profit than the other points that are on the graph.  The amount of money that we will receive as our total profit is $320,000.